to Baptist Churches

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table of contents:
Baptist churches
Baptist churches and bodies outside North America
[Listed because it endorses and places chaplains]
American Baptists generally
Baptist Evangelicals
► Association
of Evangelicals for Italian Missions [No online
Baptists generally
The Quiet Page -- Reformed
Baptist WWW resources
Several sets of RB links
The Upper Room
A site of RB resources by Johnny Farese
What is a Reformed
An essay by Chris Traffanstedt on the Providence Baptist
Church homepage
Who Are The Reformed
From the Website of Reformed
Baptist Churches of Malaysia
Baptist Bible Fellowship, International
► Christian Unity Baptist Association [No online site]
[Listed because it endorses and places chaplains and members
meet annually, even though CBF states that it is not a “denomination” or
► Independent
Bible Baptist Missions [No online site]
► New
England Evangelical Baptist Fellowship [No online
► Regular
Baptist (“New Salem” Correspondence) associations
Mud River Old Regular Baptist Association [No online site]
New Salem Association of Old Regular Baptists of
Jesus Christ [No online site]
New Salem Association
of Old Regular Baptists [No online site]
Old Friendship Association of the Old Regular
Baptist Church
[No online site]
Old Indian Bottom Association of Old Regular
Baptist of Jesus Christ [No online site]
Philadelphia Association of Old Regular Baptists
[No online site]
Sardis Association of Old Regular Baptists of
Jesus Christ [No online site]
Union Association of Old Regular Baptists of
Jesus Christ [No online site]
Baptists generally
Old Regular Baptist
Catalogue of archival materials at
Pikeville College
Regular Baptists
A Website at Appalachian State University
► Regular
Baptist (Predestinarian) associations
Association of Old Regular Baptists
[No online site]
Dove Old Regular Baptist Association [No online site]
Mountain #1 Old Regular Baptist Association [No online site]
Mountain #2 Old Regular Baptist Association [No online site]
Original Mates Creek Regular Primitive Baptist
Association [No online site]
Original Mountain Liberty Old Regular Baptist
Association [No online site]
Sandlick Association
of Old Regular Baptists of Jesus Christ [No
online site]
Thornton Union Association of Old Regular
Baptists of Jesus Christ [No online site]
Regular Baptists (Predestinarians) generally
Old Regular Baptist
Catalogue of archival materials at
Pikeville College
Regular Baptists
A Website at Appalachian State University
Sovereign Grace Baptists generally
Sovereign Grace Doctrine
Good source for links
Evangelical Baptist Convention of Canada [No online site]
Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist
Convention of USA
of Slavic Churches of Evangelical Christians and Slavic Baptists of Canada [No
online site]
► Colorado Reform Baptist
Church [No online site]
General Baptists generally
Oakland City University
in 1885 by the General Association of General Baptists
► General Six-Principle Baptists, Rhode Island Conference [No online site]
► Original Free Will Baptist Church, North Carolina State Convention [No online site]
► United
Baptist churches
Primitive Baptists generally
Primitive Baptist Web
Baptists Online
Movements Homepage -- Primitive Baptists
Primitive Baptist churches [Note: there
is no central association; Melton reports 43 associations in the early 1970s]
Traditionally-Black Primitive Baptist
churches generally
black Primitive Baptist churches in the United States
From the PBO discussion forum
► Traditionally-White
Primitive Baptists
[Note: Melton divides these into three groupings: “Absolute
Predestinarians,” “Moderates,” and “Progressives.” Others divide into two groupings:
“Old Line” and “Progressive.” Virtually no association has a Website. Rather
than mischaracterize any particular association, I list the ones I have found
below without characterization]
Ebenezer Association of Old School Baptists [No online site]
Ketocton Primitive
Baptist Association [No online site]
Sandusky Association Primitive Baptists [No online site]
Senter District
Primitive Baptist Association [No online site]
Mountain District Primitive Baptist Association [No online site]
Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Association [No online site]
Original Little River Association of North
Carolina [No online site]
Original Upper Canoochee
Primitive Baptist Association [No online site]
Pacific Primitive Baptist Association [No online site]
Upper County Line Primitive Baptist Association [No online site]
Primitive Baptists generally
Old Line Primitive Baptist Churches
A resource with links to
individual churches
Old School Primitive Baptists
This site has pages with the
articles of faith for many Primitive Baptist jurisdictions
Primitive Baptist
Online - providing ready access to Primitive (Old School) Baptist writings of
the past and today.
More links and historical essays
Primitive Baptist Web Station
Movements Homepage -- Primitive Baptists
From the University of Virginia
Religious Movements Website
► Seventh
Day Baptists (German) [No online site]
Seventh Day Baptists (German) generally
Explains historical origin of the
German Seventh-Day Baptists
► Seventh
Day Baptists outside North America
► Assembly
of Free Spirit Baptist Churches [No online site]
► Fundamental
Baptist Fellowship Association [No online site]
► National Baptist Evangelical
Life and Soul Saving Assembly
of the USA
[No online site]
Baptist churches and bodies outside North America
[Listed on
a separate page due to their length.
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