Reformed tradition churches outside
North America
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churches with Reformed involvement
Churches with direct Reformed lineage
[NB: churches listed here were either
founded directly by European or American Reformed denominations or
self-describe as having a Reformed tradition.]
Church of Czech Brethren [Českobratrská církev evangelická] [Formed
through merger of Reformed and Lutheran Churches, but listed here due to WARC
membership and the fact that the Czech
Lutheran Church
was smaller]
Evangelical Church of Gabon [Église
évangélique du Gabon] [Listed here by virtue of its WARC
New Protestant
Church in Madagascar [Fiangonana
Protestante Vaovao
Malagasy] [no Web site]
FVPM generally
The Malagasy government
has banned the FVPM. Read details in the State Department’s report.
Missionary-founded churches with Reformed involvement
[NB: churches listed here were formed
with assistance from Protestant evangelical missionaries, many of which were
supported by European Reformed churches. Many are members of the CEVAA
— Communauté d'Eglises en