Dr. Stephen Downes-Martin, Wargaming theory and application
Dr. Downes-Martin has over 30 years of experience in developing and applying war gaming, game theory, decision analysis, and systems thinking to tactical, operational and strategic military problems for a wide variety of government, military, aerospace, and commercial organizations in the US and abroad. Stephen is currently a Research Professor at the U.S. Naval War College, where he assists various agencies within the U.S. Government to solve operational and strategic problems. His research focus is on how to manipulate decision support, analysis and assessment methods to deceive decision makers, how decision makers misuse such methods to deceive themselves, how to detect such attempts and protect decision makers from them. His education includes a Ph.D. from London University, M.A. (with Distinction) from the U.S. Naval War College (JPME Phase I), and industrial and academic courses in business management, science and technology, and liberal arts. Stephen has published widely, and has been an invited speaker in the US, Europe and the former Soviet Union on business, international security and technology issues. He was a military intelligence officer in the British Army, and is now a U.S. citizen. In 2010 Stephen received the Department of the Navy's Superior Civilian Service Award for service in Afghanistan. His full bio click here.
(Last Updated 21 Sept 2011.)
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