This page was last updated on 1 January 1998.

PanzerBlitz Campaign Game

by Brian McCue. (c)1997 Permission granted to copy for non-commercial use.

At the expense of the historical identity of the scenarios, this little system allows several games to be strung together as a campaign.

  1. Meeting Engagement: Play scenario 7. The victor becomes the "Attacker," the loser the "Defender." Go to step 2.

    Note: For the rest of the campaign, scenarios are written "x/y"; if the German is the Attacker, play scenario x, if the Russian is the Attacker, play scenario y.

  2. Assault: Play scenario 3/2. If the Attacker wins, go to step 5, Rearguard Action ; if the Defender wins, go to step 3, Counterattack.

  3. Counterattack: Play scenario 9/5. Note that because this is a counterattack, the Defender is attacking and the Attacker is defending. If the Attacker wins, go to step 5, Rearguard Action; if the Defender wins, go to step 4, Attack in Rear Area.

  4. Attack in Rear Area: Play scenario 1/11. Note that because this is a counterattack, the Defender is attacking and the Attacker is defending. If the Attacker wins, go to step 3, Counterattack. If the Defender wins, the Germans and the Russians switch which is Attacker and which is Defender, and go to step 2, Assault.

  5. Rearguard Action: Play scenario 10/6. If the Attacker wins, go to step 6, Installation Defense; if the Defender wins, go to step 3, Counterattack.

  6. Installation Defense: Play scenario 8/12. Whoever wins, wins the campaign.

Notes: Before designing this system I had considered various others that left the historical identities and sequence of the scenarios intact. I just couldn't get anything like that to work. This system was inspired by the "operational game" in Renegade Legion Centurion Technical Update, pages 58 and following, though that game lacks the attacker-defender swapping done in step 4 of this system. I considered having some means whereby results of battles would carry over in some way, e.g. surviving victors getting added to the next battle, but ultimately I rejected any such thought on the grounds that the campaign would see-saw better without a snowballing victor.

Brian McCue can be reached at